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Tomorrow Club

Goals and Vision

The Young Democrats of America (YDA) has been the official youth arm of the Democratic Party since 1932. Open to anyone under the age of 36 who affiliates with the Democratic Party, YDA is a nationwide grassroots organization with 42 chartered states and 780 local chapters. Our 43,000 plus membership reflects the broad diversity of our nation and the Democratic Party. This includes high school students, college students, young workers, young professionals and young families. All of the members have the interest of their community at heart and work hard to affect the democratic process. YDA works hard to:

• Elect Democratic Candidates
• Encourage youth involvement in the Democratic Party
• Support the ideals of the Democratic Party at all
levels of government
• Instill young people with the values for which the
Democratic Party stands
• Provide young people with the skills and experiences
they will need to lead our nation

Joining YDA will present you with a unique opportunity to participate in the legislative and campaign process. YDA serves as a valuable resource tool for our members by offering:

• Grassroots Activist Workshops
• Legislative Lobbying
• Candidate Schools
• Campaign Operative Training
• Daily E-Mail Issue Briefings
• Organizing Materials
• Leadership Development
• State and Local Party Activism
• National Meetings and Events

Young Democrats receive first-hand experience in campaigns and elections, grassroots organizing, fundraising and candidate elective office, just to name a few. Many of the Democratic Party's leaders got their start in politics with the Young Democrats.


Last updated: September 7, 2005

Site design based on the Young Democrats of America website from Fall 2005
This site created and hosted by
Rob Dolin

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee