2004 Cycle / 2005 Cycle /
Building a Bloc of Young Democratic Voters
The best way to build a solid youth voting bloc and to build young people’s hope back into Democratic and progressive politics is through peer-to-peer voter contact programs. If that contact is to take place, we must have trained activists in precincts across the country that can go out and talk to young voters.
We must get young people involved on a local level, get young people into the habit of voting, address the anti-voting culture head on and get more young people to work in government and run for office—we believe it all starts with talking with our peers about issues we care about, connecting that to candidates and the Party and getting young people to the polls. We are confident the Alliance model is a long-term solution for Democrats reaching out to young people.
Alliance Campaigns—Building a Youth Voting Bloc:
- Youth Coordinated Campaigns: A program to build youth tables on a state and local level in order to coordinate with progressive and Democratic groups that target young people.
- New Voter Models: Development of research, best practices and new voting models that get young people involved and voting for Democrats.
- Peer-to-Peer Programs: Investments in key states and communities with a fully paid canvass operation and staff to increase the youth vote.
- State Campaign Directors: YDA invests in election seasonal staff members that are paid jointly by the state chapter and YDA. The Campaign Directors build volunteer and paid canvass programs for targeted precincts.