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YD Relief Fund Demonstrates Compassion of Dems to Disaster
Posted 8/31/2005 7:32:00 PM (Eastern) by Lauren Goode*
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I'm just going to post in entirety the message from the YD President in Texas and Nevada regarding t...

I'm just going to post in entirety the message from the YD President in Texas and Nevada regarding the YD Relief Fund they have started. The help to this fund goes directly to refugees in the Texas area.

Friends and Fellow Democrats:
With a partnership with the Nevada Young Democrats, Texas and Nevada YDs has organized a "YD Relief Drive" for those refugees who are in the Houston area. With our local Harris County YD's and County Party, we ask everyone to send clothing, toys for children, canned foods, and other toiletries to the Harris County Democratic Party. Our YDs in the Houston area will transport the items to local shelters and the Houston Food Bank. Let's put our best face forward, forget about politics for a moment, and let's help our fellow neighbors. We ask for all to please help us and our adopted Texans from Louisiana who are staying in the Houston area. Please organize local drives with your chapters in your areas. During our Labor Day weekend, please get some items together and ship them off to Houston ASAP! Please ship the following items to:
C/O YD Relief Drive
1445 North Loop West Suite 110
Houston TX 77008.

To help out with the local distribution of goods in the Houston Area, please contact Rick Brennan or James Robertson, or respectfully.

A'shanti-Fayshel Gholar
President - Young Democrats of Nevada
K. Michael Apodaca President – Texas Young Democrats

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