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Thank God Jesus has more compassion than Evangelicals
Posted 1/19/2006 7:33:57 PM (Eastern) by Angie Brooks*
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This article pretty much sums up my thoughts on Rev. Ken Hutchinson and his boycott. God o...

This article pretty much sums up my thoughts on Rev. Ken Hutchinson and his boycott. God only knows if he focused on WWJD (what would Jesus Do) he would probably find the way to organize all his evangelical buddies and perhaps help the Committee to End Homelessness in 10 Years. I mean if you can orchestrate a nationwide anything with right wingers..................[_]robert19.html
Let's be clear I am not like Rep. Ed Murray. I do think homosexuality is a sin. But so is adultery, lying, fornication, gossiping, etc. Who am I to pick and chose which sin to rise up against. More important the role of government is protect all of its citizens however they chose to live. Heck if it takes being in perfect peace with Jesus in order to get equal protection..... GW lied about the war in Iraq so the GAO needs to damn it give me some more money back on my taxes and take his medical benefits LOL (not that he pays for anything you get the point). I spoke months ago about CONSISTENCY!
Yesterday that was an article in the Times about Sweckers comments saying business owners and landlords who oppose homosexuality should have the right to deny gays a job or housing? WTF You absolutely have to be kidding me. How in 2005 can a POLITICIAN speak such? And people are complaining about Hillary saying the House is run like a plantation?
WE ARE REGRESSING! The Supreme Court is swiftly looking like the old white man club again and you have people justifying bigots.
There are so many more pressing issues that are impacting the lives of people that have far more scriptural basis for Christian action! I am tired of unservant Christians! Thank God Jesus had more compassion than the Evangelicals. I won't even have Bible study on this on my blog. Yall know.


Then again to some since I am a supporter of euthanasia, abortion and civil unions for same sex couples I am not a real Christian.

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