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Myths and Facts about the election

Lets set the record straight with a rundown of myths and facts
Let?s set the record straight with a rundown of myths and facts.

Myth: We don't know who won

Fact: Christine Gregoire won the election according to state rules and has been legally certified by the Secretary of State. Counties

Myth: An election can be set aside because of errors

Fact: State law clearly says an election can only be set aside if there is clear evidence of fraud or errors that would result in a different outcome.

Myth: Dino Rossi is not trying to change the rules

Fact: Dino Rossi is taking the unprecedented step of calling for a new election, which could mean a constitutional amendment.

Myth: There are more votes than voters

Fact: Auditors say there are always discrepancies. Voting rolls are updated and changed beginning the day after the election. In fact, the safeguards for ballots are at the front end of the process, with signature checks and matches.

Myth: There is a significant problem of counting ballots from deceased voters.

Fact: There are actually very few of these problems uncovered. So far a total of eight out of 2.8 million votes cast. And nearly all uncovered so far were

Rossi votes.

Myth: Military voters were disenfranchised

Fact: Counties reported very few problems with military votes. In fact, U.S. troops had extra opportunities and extra time to vote, as they well deserve.

Options included a voting information officer in every unit to answer questions, and the ability to download a federal ballot from the internet and

write-in any state races. They didn't need to pay postage and only needed to sign and date their ballots. They didn't even need to be registered.

Myth: Errors have changed the outcome of this election

Fact: Sure there were problems, but according to state auditors and the Secretary of State?s office, the problems have been blown out of proportion with an accuracy rate of more than 99[%].

Call or email your legislator today and set the record straight.

Posted on: 1/10/2005 11:32:25 PM by
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