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Legislative Alert: Thank Democratic State Senators for Resolution

Senate Joint Memorial 8014 has been introduced in the State Legislature requesting that Congress and the Administration reject the current effort to privatize Social Security...

SAVE SOCIAL SECURITY - Senate Joint Memorial 8014

has been introduced in the State Legislature

requesting that Congress and the Administration

reject the current effort to privatize Social

Security and instead engage in an open dialogue with

the American public to arrive at a sensible solution

that preserves Social Security insurance as the

fail-safe program for elderly and disabled as it has

been for the last 70 years.

Sponsors of the memorial: Senators Thibaudeau (main sponsor) Jacobsen, Fairley, Brown, Prentice, Regala, McAulliffe, Rockefeller, Fraser, Rasmussen, Weinstein, Kline, Keiser, Kohl-Welles

A hearing was held March 1 just in time for the March 2nd cutoff day to report bills out of policy committee in the house of origin except House fiscal committees and Senate Ways & Means and Transportation committees.

An update will be sent when available.

Please write your senators to thank them for sponsoring this. While it may seem out of context for the State Legislature to occupy themselves with a federal issue, as many voices in opposition to privatization as possible are needed to keep the pressure on the Congress and the White House. And, the increased federal debt that privatization would cause affects state government budgets and all of us.

Toni Lysen

Posted on: 3/2/2005 1:25:57 AM by
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1 Comment(s)

Thanks to all for SJM 8014

Preserve Social Security for our children and grandchildren.
On "Wa. Week" I heard that Bush has had striking down Social Security as an objective at least since 1978. I am old enough (68 yrs.), and, was born poor enough to remember how hazardous life could seem without pensions and Social Security. My father worked hard all his life, but, when he died 25 yrs. before my mother she had only Social Security to live on. Many, many women give their lives without salaries to benefit their families and this country they should be able to know that they can at least have subsistence when they are old. I am expecially insulted by W's using greed to split the generations by telling those over 55 that their benefits will remain the same, and, younger workers that they should not have to sacrifice for older people and that their money should be their own to invest. Hmmn, let's see.....isn't that what he said when he wanted to pass those tax cuts. "It's your money". And, then, he proceeded to drive this country into humonguous deficits by invading Iraq under false pretenses.
Posted on: 3/5/2005 4:04:12 PM by
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